Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Idioglossia...

From time-to-time, I coin or commandeer words in an attempt to better explain my experiences. This list is for those relevant to this blog.

aggravated (autism): n. ASD2 & 3, collectively; autism with pronounced-to-extensive co-morbid conditions. Requires special education, a.k.a. short-bus autism or dysautistic. MORE...
auted: v. being publicly exposed as being autistic.
benign (autism): n. ASD1; autism with no significant co-morbid conditions. Does not require special education, a.k.a. long-bus autism or evautistic.
dweeb: n. a twice-exceptional person [< duo-E.B. "duo-exceptional brainiac" (reclaimed from Geco-Nerdic)].
     syn. tweek
Geco-Nerdic: adj. on the geek/nerd continuum; colloquial labels that may or may not parallel neuro-diverse conditions [modeled on Greco- + Nordic].
geek: n. an intellectually gifted person [< G.K. < "gifted kid" (reclaimed from Geco-Nerdic)].
handicap: n. a hindrance or disadvantage.
handicapped: adj. hindered, but not disabled.
neurd: n. a neuro-diverse individual [< neur-D].
Millennial (autism): n. the epidemic surge of aggravated autism first seen in the Millennials.
misautism: n. prejudice toward autistic people. [Gr. mis(o)- "hatred"]
     misautistic, adj.
phasmatic: adj./n. spectrumite [Gr. phasma <φάσμα>, "spectrum"].
post-autistic encephalopathy: n. the hypothetical postnatal brain insult believed to be responsible for turning benign autism into aggravated autism. [abbrev. PAE] MORE...
pre-Millennial (autism): n. the rare occurrence of aggravated autism prior to the Millennials.
spectrumite: adj./n. [a person] on the spectrum [Lat.].
STEMpunk: n. a STEM enthusiast [< Science Technology Engineering Mathematics].
tweek: n. a twice-exceptional individual [portmanteau "twice-exceptional geek"].
     syn. dweeb
XF: abbrev. executive function, a neurological trait.

Other common terms used in autism circles:

Aspie: n. an autistic person diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (now, ASD1). [from DSM-4; still used colloquially]
Autism Spectrum Disorder: the official diagnosis given to an autistic individual. It usually includes a severity level, 1-3 [least-most]. Abbreviated ASD1, ASD2, ASD3 [taken from DSM-5]. (ASD1.x is used informally for a severity level between 1 & 2).
neuro-diverse: adj. having a less conventional, but viable neurology. ASD1 & intellectual giftedness are two commonly-cited forms.
N.T.: abbrev. neuro-typical; an individual having a conventionally-developed neurology, cf. neuro-diverse.


  1. While I am not autistic-- I have been labeled a geek. I was reading science books before the age of 9.

    1. "Geek" has a broader meaning, generally, but this is my use for it in the Autiverse.
