Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fellowship Hints for Christian Neurds...!

This question comes up often, so I decided to post my recommendations here:

Finding Support Resources in the USA...

Many of us on the spectrum have poor work histories and lack the funds needed to pursue a diagnosis and pay for recurring services. If your income is below a certain amount, you may be eligible for your state's medical assistance program. They can also connect you to transportation services, if your service provider is too far away and you have no vehicle.

My Idioglossia...

From time-to-time, I coin or commandeer words in an attempt to better explain my experiences. This list is for those relevant to this blog.

Vaccines & Autism, Another Perspective...

I take an adjusted view of vaccines and their role in Millennial autism [ASD2/3s].1

Autism Subtypes...

The common feature of all autism is that we are dyssocial (not anti-social); that is, we are social klutzes who still desire to connect with others.

